Cesarean Section (C- Section) in Delhi
Cesarean delivery, often known as C-section birth, involves delivering the baby through a surgical incision on the abdomen and the uterus. A C section is performed only in an emergency if complications arise during labour and delivery.
Dr. Meghana, obstetrician and gynaecologist in South Delhi, has immense expertise in handling such complicated cases which require immediate C section.
According to her, there are different types of C-section deliveries, depending on the incisions made to the uterus:
1. C-section delivery by a lower segment incision: This is the form of incision that most people prefer. The 'bikini line' incision consists of a horizontal cut across the abdomen and a horizontal cut through the lower section of the uterus. These cuts heal faster, are barely noticeable after healing, and cause fewer complications in future pregnancies.
2. C-section delivery by a classical incision: A vertical cut on the uterus is required for this surgery. The abdominal cut might be vertical or horizontal. This sort of incision is only used in emergency situations or in specific circumstances. This form of incision raises the likelihood of complications in subsequent pregnancies and births.
Dr. Meghana Lal believes in quick recovery post surgery and both the mother and the baby are usually discharged within 48 hours of C section. If you have delivered by C section, it is recommend to mobilize early (Walking around in room) and breastfeeding is initiated immediately after birth.