PCOD Treatment in Delhi
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) is a hormonal disorder that primarily affects women of reproductive age. PCOS is a common health condition that affects teens and young women; it affects one out of every ten women of...
OPD Consultation in Delhi
An outpatient department or outpatient clinic is intended to treat outpatients or people with health problems who come to the hospital for diagnosis or treatment but do not need a bed or to be admitted. The OPD is intende...
Antenatal care in Delhi
Antenatal care is the backbone of a healthy pregnancy resulting in a happy mother and healthy baby at the end of 9 months. These 9 months of your life is an incredible journey towards motherhood. Regular antenatal visits to...
Cesarean Section (C- Section) in Delhi
Cesarean delivery, often known as C-section birth, involves delivering the baby through a surgical incision on the abdomen and the uterus. A C section is performed only in an emergency if complications arise ...
Normal delivery in Delhi
Dr Meghana’s whole hearted emphasis is on normal vaginal delivery. As compared to Cesarean section (C section, or delivery by opertion), normal delivery has several advantages like shorter hospital stay, quick recove...