Best Vaccination in lado sarai

Vaccination Clinic near me

Vaccination for Women in Delhi

One of the most important vaccine that every woman needs to take is the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine. HPV causes cervical cancer in women. It also causes genital warts. HPV vaccines are recommended to all teens and young adults (9 -26 years old) girls as well as boys. Gardasil-4 is the 4 valent HPV vaccine which protects against the 4 common strains of HPV known to cause cervical cancer in women. Gardasil-9 is the 9-valent HPV vaccine which protects against 9 common strains of HPV virus. This has only been recently introduced in India since December 2021. Both Gardasil-4 and Gardasil-9 are available at Dr Meghana’s clinic. Contact her to know if you should be taking your shot soon.

Vaccinations during pregnancy are must to protect the fetus from several diseases. Tetanus shot (TT) is given around 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Tdap (which protects the fetus against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough) is given around 20-24 weeks (i.e atleast 4 weeks after the first TT shot). Flu vaccine, which protects against influenza is given between 28-32 weeks.

Yearly Flu vaccine is also recommended for everyone, especially for those older than 65 years and all adults with co-morbidities like hypertension (high BP), diabetes (high sugar), asthma or other cardio-respiratory diseases.

Routine pediatric immunization facilitites are also available at the clinic.

The best part of vaccination at Dr Meghana Lal’s clinic is the guarantee of maintenance of cold chain which maintains the efficacy of vaccine. Hence, we first take your order and only then the vaccine is dispatched from the cold storage of the distributor located closeby.